This is an important week for Americans. We observe Independence Day. On July 4, 1776, this country declared its independence from Britain and began charting its own way on the world stage. It is a day to remember and celebrate.
The United States of America is not the kingdom of God on earth. And I confess to being frustrated to the point of anger with politicians from whatever party or persuasion when they use religion to manipulate the voting public. The name of God should not be used to justify partisan claims. The divine name ought never to be used to insulate a public figure from criticism or questions. To do so is to profane God’s name – as surely as cursing or false swearing.
On the other hand, the recent rush to eliminate all references to God from public speech is equally wrong-headed. Highly publicized court cases have sought to banish the word God from the Pledge of Allegiance our citizens recite in schools, at meetings of civic clubs, and on other public occasions. The claim is that our “secular society” must avoid references to religion and that an alleged “separation of church and state” is violated by acknowledging God.
Our nation’s founders were driven by a variety of motives, including religious ones. They talked about a society with “freedom of religion.” Historians explain that the term meant the freedom of citizens to embrace religious beliefs and practices that their consciences dictated rather than those imposed by power. Citizens would even have the right to forego religious practices altogether. They eschewed state-established churches. But they did not envision a culture that outlawed religion from the public square and silenced religious language.
Both the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution acknowledge “God,” “Divine Providence,” and the “Creator.” Our Supreme Court opens to “God save the United States and this honorable court.” By tradition, presidential speeches end with “God bless America.” Only recently has anyone taken these usages to constitute “an unjust imposition of religious faith” on the public.
“It is doubtful that children reciting the Pledge of Allegiance feel oppressed or brainwashed as a consequence of muttering the phrase ‘under God,’ ” said President Barack Obama back in his senatorial days. “I certainly didn’t.” Indeed, we typically say the majority – as well as all minorities – can voice its beliefs.
No civil religion. No imposing of religion by government. No prostitution of religion to government agendas. But no political correctness that tramples the rights of the majority and suppresses the consensus point of view either.
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